My name is Edith Bonsell, I am from Jacksonville Florida. God is a healer this I know. About 12 years ago my brother George and I use to go walking and I all of a sudden I begin to feel tired. I had a doctor appointment which included a mammogram but it was canceled. One day I saw a mobile clinic and I went in and had a mammogram done. On my ex ray something looked strange and I was advised that they saw a spot in my left breast. I went to see a specialist and I was told I needed to have surgery. After I left the doctor’s office I begin to rebuke the devil proclaiming NO weapon formed against me shall prosper. I stood on God’s word … quoting “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.” Psalm 118:17
As I was prepped for surgery I can recall the doctor marked my left breast in which he was doing surgery on and my son Michael was there with me, he asked the doctor saying; you marked the correct breast? The doctor looked and said yes I marked the correct breast. After surgery the surgeon said no more cancer was found and advised me all I had to do was radiation.
However, when I went to the oncologist I was advised there was cancer the size of a fingertip and I would have to do chemo therapy. I said but I was told I only had to do radiation!!!
At this time I had only been on my job for 1 year and I had to advise my employer that I was diagnosed with cancer. I was told “Good Luck.” During this season of testing I was also going through a divorce as I had to also prepare for chemo therapy. Chemo kills all your cells and your body has to reproduce new cells. I would be sick for several days after chemo, although I was sick at times I was still blessed because I only had to have therapy once a week, to every two weeks and I realize some people have chemo more often than that.
I can recall being so sick one day I could not fix my own drink and my baby girl Tammy, fixed my drink for me. I later went to the restroom and wept. As I was in the restroom God spoke to me as I wept saying I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you. I received comfort and strength at that very moment.
God will send an Angel; There were other times I was sick one of my granddaughters (Jasmine) was there as my support angel, she would care for me, do my nails and support and love on me. She gave me strength and comfort and so much love.
I encourage you to just hold on to Jesus and know his word is true. You have to remind the devil he has no power.
It’s been over 12 years now that I am cancer free. I went to the doctor last year something showed up in my right breast I AGAIN rebuked the devil and when I revisited the doctor my report was all is well “NO” Cancer.
God Did It~